ALIFDO is a membership organisation incorporated in England as a “Company Limited by Guarantee,” which is the corporate vehicle of choice for non-profits in England. As such, it has a board of directors that tries to meet at least 2-3 times a year, to decide on basic strategic directions, approve accounts etc.
ALIFDO incorporated in 2017. Its board of directors includes individual members working at many of the organisations from where ALIFDO has members.
If you are interested in getting involved in the governance of the organisation, please let us know by clicking here.
Our corporate documents:
- ALIFDO's Articles of Association
- By-law 1 on Membership
(membership fees for the 3-year 2020-2022 period are £20 per member)
- By-law 2 on Expenses
ALIFDO incorporated in 2017. Its board of directors includes individual members working at many of the organisations from where ALIFDO has members.
If you are interested in getting involved in the governance of the organisation, please let us know by clicking here.
Our corporate documents:
- ALIFDO's Articles of Association
- By-law 1 on Membership
(membership fees for the 3-year 2020-2022 period are £20 per member)
- By-law 2 on Expenses